Set up local Redis container

To set up a local Redis container that automatically starts up on reboot, run the following command: To include a UI, run the following command:

Yarn setup for Express API with TypeScript

This article talks through the process of setting up a basic Express API using TypeScript and Yarn for package management instead of NPM.

Bitbucket, SSH auth, Visual Studio and VS Code

To get SSH key authentication working with Bitbucket from with both Visual Studio 2019 (or earlier potentially) and VS Code can be challenging. Some commands I’ve used are below. VS Code Visual Studio Visual Studio 2022 doesn’t require additional changesRead More

Build container from Visual Studio built Dockerfile

If you need to build a project using the Visual Studio generated Dockerfile, you need to run docker build from the solution folder and specify the file. Assuming the project you are working is called Your.Project.Api and this is theRead More

Run an NGINX server for a folder

Set up an NGINX container to expose a website via a specific port.

Build a Docker container from your SQL backup

A quick guide to getting a SQL Server container up and running with a database backup pre-loaded.

Getting Mongo DB running locally in a container

A quick guide to getting a MongoDB container running on your machine with persistent storage and a username and password.

A simple testing mail server

Simple instructions on how to install a testing mail server using Docker.

Getting a local Seq instance up and running

A quick guide on how to get a local Seq instance running in Docker on Windows.

Adding Serilog to an Application and Pointing it at Seq

A quick guide to adding Serilog to your .NET Core/.NET 5 application and pointing at Seq.