Test Driven Development (TDD) – C# – Blazor Server with bUnit (part 4 of 5)

In this third article on building an app using TDD, we’ll build a blog list component and add it to the default page. We’ll be using bUnit for the testing of this component.

Test Driven Development (TDD) – C# – Faking the Configuration (part 3 of 5)

This follow up article to part i of my TDD learning project will cover using the Options pattern (with IOptions) to read your configuration as well as User Secrets for sensitive storage of keys.

Test Driven Development (TDD) – C# – API Calling (part 2 of 5)

An overview of my first TDD project that was an attempt to do a real application and not just a demo like the commonly used FizzBuzz example.

Test Driven Development (TDD) – C# – Introduction and Setup (part 1 of 5)

An overview of my first TDD project that was an attempt to do a real application and not just a demo like the commonly used FizzBuzz example.

Create a Service Account and Get Token In Kubernetes Running In Docker Desktop

When running Kubernetes in Docker Desktop 4.8 and later, creating a service account doesn’t create the token properly. The following script will create a service account and retrieve the token. Note that it creates a cluster admin service account forRead More

Trunk-based Development with Release Branches

One approach to trunk-based development which is centred around a main branch but with release branches to get code out to production

Running an Azure DevOps Build Agent in Kubernetes

A quick guide to setting up one or more Azure DevOps build agents in Kubernetes.

Development Crib Sheet for Interviews

A brief summary of some things you should be aware of ahead of doing an interview.

Update a Blazor UI when a message is pushed to a RabbitMQ queue

Using RabbitMQ to act as a notification service with a Blazor UI.

Create TypeScript Next.js app that runs in a container

Use Yarn to create a TypeScript Next.js application that will build and run in Docker using a two-stage container.