Azure App Configuration mounting as JSON in Kubernetes

An easy way to mount values from Azure App Configuration (and Azure Key Vault) into JSON files in Kubernetes.

Setting up an Arrange, Act, Assert comment template in Visual Studio 2022

Insert arrange, act and assert comment headers into a C# file by typing aaa

HTTP Client Factory (IHttpClientFactory) mock using NSubstitute

An NSubstitute version of a simple mock to allow HttpClient.GetStringAsync to always return a specified string.

Changing branch used by Flux deployment

Change the source branch used by Flux to another branch for testing purposes.

.NET Container Running as Non-Root in Kubernetes

A quick guide to running .NET containers as non-root, non-privileged users.

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and Flux – ii – Flux with Empty Repository

Configuring a repo to use with Flux including NGINX Ingress Controller, Cert-Manager and a demo application.

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and Flux – i – Introduction and AKS Cluster Setup

Setting up a low cost AKS cluster running two nodes and relatively low cost VMs.

PowerShell TDD with Pester – Adding More Rules (part 3 of 3)

This final article will cover reading mocked files and retrieving the version number from the CSProj or Chart.yaml file.

PowerShell TDD with Pester – Adding More Rules (part 2 of 3)

Adding more rules to the version number generator to handle things like bug fixes to major versions, pre-release labels and build labels

PowerShell TDD with Pester – Setup and Basic Tests (part 1 of 3)

This article is covering how I built a function to generate a new version number for a NuGet package based upon the version number is a csproj file and the latest published version.