Delete a Kubernetes Resource that is Stuck “Terminating”

How to remove finalizers for a resource so that it can terminate successfully.

Engineering Approach

A summary of my approach to building an application from the planning, software and infrastructure perspective.

Istio and JWT Authentication

Simplified overview of an Istio-based UI and API authentication approach using a JWT.

Creating a simple Kubernetes Operator in .NET

Creating a Kubernetes operator can seem a bit overwhelming at first. To help, there’s a simple NuGet package called CanSupportMe.Operator which can be as simple as watching for a secret or config map or creating a custom resource definition (CRD)Read More

My deployment to Azure using Terraform and Flux

A high-level overview of how I am using Terraform and Flux to deploy my infrastructure and applications to Azure.

The NuGet Packages I Use

A list of the NuGet packages I regularly use. Last updated: 2024-01-14

Create a Signed JWT and validate it in Istio using a JWK

This guide shows how to create a public/private key pair and how to use these to create a JWK and a signed JWT and then validate a request to a service running in Kubernetes where Istio is running.