Getting Mongo DB running locally in a container

A quick guide to getting a MongoDB container running on your machine with persistent storage and a username and password.

Scripts for creating a kubeconfig for a new user in Kubernetes

A single script for creating a kubeconfig file for a user who can read pod, service and ingress details within a specific namespace as well as run kubectl exec against those pods.

A simple testing mail server

Simple instructions on how to install a testing mail server using Docker.

Using NGINX Ingress controller with MetalLB

A quick guide for getting NGINX Ingress Controller working with MetalLB.

Getting a local Seq instance up and running

A quick guide on how to get a local Seq instance running in Docker on Windows.

Chunky Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies

A recipe for baking some soft chocolate chip cookies.


A recipe for making a homemade beef lasagne for four people.


A simple yet tasty recipe for homemade shortbread biscuits.

Adding Serilog to an Application and Pointing it at Seq

A quick guide to adding Serilog to your .NET Core/.NET 5 application and pointing at Seq.

Seq on Kubernetes

This guide will tell you how to set up an HTTPS protected sec instance. This is using LetsEncrypt with cert-manager to get an SSL certificate so it assumes your Seq instance is public facing. It also uses Longhorn for storage.Read More