Delete a Kubernetes Resource that is Stuck “Terminating”

How to remove finalizers for a resource so that it can terminate successfully.

Engineering Approach

A summary of my approach to building an application from the planning, software and infrastructure perspective.

Istio and JWT Authentication

Simplified overview of an Istio-based UI and API authentication approach using a JWT.

Creating a simple Kubernetes Operator in .NET

Creating a Kubernetes operator can seem a bit overwhelming at first. To help, there’s a simple NuGet package called CanSupportMe.Operator which can be as simple as watching for a secret or config map or creating a custom resource definition (CRD)Read More

My deployment to Azure using Terraform and Flux

A high-level overview of how I am using Terraform and Flux to deploy my infrastructure and applications to Azure.

The NuGet Packages I Use

A list of the NuGet packages I regularly use. Last updated: 2024-01-14

Create a Signed JWT and validate it in Istio using a JWK

This guide shows how to create a public/private key pair and how to use these to create a JWK and a signed JWT and then validate a request to a service running in Kubernetes where Istio is running.

Azure App Configuration mounting as JSON in Kubernetes

An easy way to mount values from Azure App Configuration (and Azure Key Vault) into JSON files in Kubernetes.

Setting up an Arrange, Act, Assert comment template in Visual Studio 2022

Insert arrange, act and assert comment headers into a C# file by typing aaa

HTTP Client Factory (IHttpClientFactory) mock using NSubstitute

An NSubstitute version of a simple mock to allow HttpClient.GetStringAsync to always return a specified string.